Baby Shower

This blog is dedicated to keeping the site a fun and family-oriented place to celebrate life and children and of course to learn as much as possible about baby names and meanings.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Baby Shower for Jesus to aid Manteca nonprofit

MANTECA — Many say that Jesus is the reason for the season, but he was also the catalyst for a donation drive to benefit babies in the community. St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church held its annual Baby Shower for Jesus at Christmas event during all Sunday Masses last weekend, with the offerings going to Pregnancy Help Center in Manteca. During the offertories, parishioners brought gift-wrapped goodies for babies, cash and checks to a Nativity setting — minus the baby Jesus — at the foot of the altar. The idea started when Sister Ann Venita Britto F.C. moved to the Manteca parish from St. George's in Stockton. She talked with the pastor about an event the community could get behind and celebrate Jesus' birth "just like (that of) a regular baby." "It made a lot of sense to give these items to a group that works with babies," she said.

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